foto mix
Jerzy Gaus
(born 1915 in Brest, died 1978). Cinematographer, film director, screenwriter; cooperated for over 30 years with Educational Film Studio (EFS), where he dealt mainly with nature and animal breeding. Nevertheless, he started his cooperation with the film industry as still photographer.
“I occupied myself with photography already in 1930. But all the time, I was dreaming of work in the film industry – he wrote in his personal questionnaire. Already during the summer holiday 1936, I got job as film photographer (still photographer) for the movie “Awantura amerykańska" directed by Ordyński, where the cinematographer was Gniazdowski, Eng., and in the studio for the movie “Judeł gra na skrzypcach" with the cinematographer Janiłowski as well as for the studio “Wierna rzeka" with cameraman Wywerka. In 1937, after graduating from the NationalPhotographySchool [Państwowa Szkoła Fotograficzna], I got a regular job as still photographer"1. Gaus was employed at Stephot.
Until the outbreak of the war, he made stills for at least 17 movies. After the war, he continued to work as a photographer. After the Warsaw uprising, he was taken away to Vienna, escaped to Hungary and came back to Poland with the first transport after liberation. Already on 23 April 1945, he received post of a still photographer in the Polish Army Film Studio (PASF). He made i.a. stills for movies “Stalowe serce" and “Ulica graniczna" as well as a dozen or so cover photographs for newly created biweekly “Film". Occasionally, he published there also photographic reports. In 1948, he transferred to EFS.
1936 - „Judeł gra na skrzypcach”
1936 - „Wierna rzeka”
1937 - „Dorożkarz nr 13”
1937 - „O czym marzą kobiety”
1937 - „Książątko”
1937 - „Piętro wyżej”
1937 - „Skłamałam”
1937 - „Ślubowanie”
1937 - „Ułan księcia Józefa”
1938 - „Za zasłoną”
1938 - „Kościuszko pod Racławicami”
1938 - „Kobiety nad przepaścią”
1938 - „Wrzos”
1938 - „Robert i Bertrand”
1939 - „Kłamstwo Krystyny”
1939 - „Ja tu rządzę”
1948 – „Stalowe serca”
1948 – „Ulica graniczna”
1948 – „Powrót”
1. Central Archives of Modern Records, documents of the Central Office of Cinematography, file No. 20.