foto mix

Romuald Pieńkowski


(born 1927 in Drohiczyn, died 1995 inWarsaw). Press photographer and photoreporter. Already during the war, as a teenager, he worked in the photographic studio in Siedlce.  After the war, in Warsaw, he started to cooperate with "Promyk" and "Skrzydlata Polska" magazines. He had not frequented film sets yet, but in 1948 he went to the Film Studio in Łódź and became a cinematographer assistant to Karol Szczeciński and Adolf Forbert. In 1952-57, he worked as a photographer in the Central Photographic Agency in Warsaw.



When "Ekran" weekly was founded, he joined the editorial staff. He made photoreportages on film sets. Even if not as active as Roman Sumik or Jerzy Troszczyński, he left more than twenty thousand negatives, not only documenting the life of film crews. The materials by Pieńkowski included beautiful stills, often better than those created during film production. In 2007, Pieńkowski's negatives enriched the collection of the National Film Archive.


In different years, he cooperated also with editorial teams of "Na przełaj" and "Zwierciadło" magazines, as a full-time photographer. In 1978, he joined the Association of Polish Art Photographers and held the position of the President of the Management Board of its Warsaw ambit for a number of terms.


Piotr Śmiałowski



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