foto mix
Krzysztof Fus
(born 1941 in Sandomierz). The most famous Polish movie stuntman. He made his debut in 1966 in the movie "Cała naprzód" by Lenartowicz. Three years later, in "Znicz olimpijski", he performed the famous jump from the cablecar in which he was seriously injured. "After that accident – he told soon afterwards – I've already played in all episodes of »Pan Michał«, fell from the walls of the ChęcinyCastle in »Pan Wołodyjowski«. In »Sól ziemi czarnej«, Olgierd Łukaszewicz dropped me off the roof. Among more difficult exploits – in the TV version of »Hydrozagadka«, I climbed a neon and walked the cornices of Bristol hotel in Warsaw. In that movie, I also jumped off the tower of the International Airport Okęcie and off the roof right under a speeding car. In »Trzecia części nocy«, I fell off a high balcony, and in »Agent nr 1« I turned into human torches in various situations”1.
Today, more than forty years after this words and despite many serious accidents, Fus is still working. Chiefly, he provides stunt consultancy. However, he started to make photographs on the set quite early, and collected a large archive of negatives during years. Since the 90's, he has been a film still photographer from time to time. He made photos inter alia for "Panna z mokrą głową" by Tarnaw or the third season of "Dom" series by Łomnicki. In 2012, the National Film Archive bought the Fus collection.
Piotr Śmiałowski
Filmography of Fus as still photographer:
1994 – „Panna z mokrą głową”
1994 – „Oczy niebieskie”
1995 – „Awantura o Basię”
1996-2000 – „Dom”
1998 – „Żona przychodzi nocą”
2000 – „Kalipso”
2000 – „Duża przerwa”
2005-2007 – „Codzienna 2 m3”
1. A.Z., Potop największym zamówieniem dla ekipy kaskaderów, “Magazyn Filmowy”, 1971, no. 42